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I am the next drama heroine

I feel like I almost killed you all with those two tremendously long posts I wrote last time (and the time before that). Sorry for that - when I get too excited about something or overly interested in some topic, I keep on rambling about it (you DO NOT want to hear me giving a "quick overview" of something that I like - it takes hours...).
Anyway this time I decided to revive you with something easier. So I present you some of the points of how my life (I hope I'm not the only one) is not so different from drama heroine. Sure I don't have two drop dead gorgeous men falling for me, nor have I something to avenge, I don't have a job that should be done into a series and I don't have death written over me (I do have an incurable disease but that's nothing to worry about), but that doesn't mean I can't be the next heroine:

- Like Riko from Buzzer Beat I collect stamps/ stickers so that I could get free stuff or a discount.
confession time: During last month I have achieved collecting all the stickers twice.
Now I'm filling my third "book" - do I have a problem?
 - Like Oh Ha Ni from Playful Kiss  I can name all of the members of my favourite bands (+their life stories and history of scandals)
confession time: I do not know all the Super Junior members by heart
as I am not that keen in their music (but I know "sorry sorry" dance!
and lyrics: "sexy, free and single; ready to mingle" -
WAIT! Those aren't the lyrics, right?)

- Like Mary from Mary Stayed Out All Night  even when I have no furniture, as long as I have a device to watch dramas with, I'm alright
confession time: soon it's been 5 years of watching dramas.
For me it's not an choice of preferences, it's a life style.
 -  Like Hotaru from Hotaru no Hikari  when I can stay home for the whole day all alone, I don't give a damn about my looks
confession time: I do wear my hair like that when I'm at my parents place
and my jersey's are the comfiest things on earth!
but the best thing is never leaving your pajamas...
- Like Toake from Party wa Owatta I get sleepy after drinking too much and I can sleep everywhere in every position
NO confession time as I have NOT fallen asleep in the restroom!
(even though I have wanted... and now that I think about it..
maybe that's why it's called the RESTroom?)

So what similarities do you have? Be sure to let me know in the comments! 
Happy continiuning Christmas month!

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